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Marketing 4.0: From Traditional to Digital and Beyond

Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to 31

Marketing has changed foreverthis is what comes next.

Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to 31

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Marketing 4.0 is the much-needed handbook for next-generation marketing. Written by the world's leading marketing authorities, this book helps you navigate the increasingly connected world and changing consumer landscape to reach more customers, more effectively.

Today's customers have less time and attention to devote to your brandand they are surrounded by alternatives every step of the way. You need to stand up, get their attention, and deliver the message they want to hear.

This book examines the marketplace's shifting power dynamics, the paradoxes wrought by connectivity, and the increasing sub-culture splintering that will shape tomorrow's consumer; this foundation shows why Marketing 4.0 is becoming imperative for productivity, and this book shows you how to apply it to your brand today.

Marketing 4.0 takes advantage of the shifting consumer mood to reach more customers and engage them more fully than ever before. Exploit the changes that are tripping up traditional approaches, and make them an integral part of your methodology.

This book gives you the world-class insight you need to make it happen.

The Four Ps of Marketing 4.0

The Four Ps of marketing are well-known: product, price, place, and promotion. They represent the elements of the marketing mix that you can control and adjust to suit your target market.

But in Marketing 4.0, these Four Ps are not enough. You need to consider how they interact with the new realities of the digital economy, where customers are more connected, empowered, and diverse than ever before.

Here are some tips on how to adapt the Four Ps of marketing to the era of Marketing 4.0.


The first P of Marketing 4.0 is people. People are the most important asset of your business, and they are also the most influential factor in your marketing success.

People are not just your customers, but also your prospects, leads, fans, followers, influencers, partners, employees, and stakeholders. They are the ones who create, consume, and share your brand stories.

To succeed in Marketing 4.0, you need to understand and segment your people based on their behaviors, preferences, needs, values, and motivations. You need to create human-centric marketing strategies that appeal to their emotions, aspirations, and passions. You need to leverage social media and online communities to connect with them, listen to them, and engage them.

Some examples of people-oriented marketing strategies are:

  • Creating buyer personas and customer journey maps to identify your ideal customers and their pain points

  • Using social listening tools and surveys to collect feedback and insights from your people

  • Creating user-generated content and co-creation campaigns to involve your people in your brand story

  • Using influencer marketing and advocacy programs to amplify your brand message and reach new audiences

  • Using employee advocacy and employer branding to attract and retain talent and enhance your brand reputation


The second P of Marketing 4.0 is product. Product is what you offer to your people to solve their problems, fulfill their needs, or satisfy their desires.

Product is not just a physical good or a service, but also an experience, a solution, a benefit, or a value proposition. Product is what differentiates you from your competitors and what makes you stand out in the market.

To succeed in Marketing 4.0, you need to innovate and differentiate your products constantly. You need to create value propositions that resonate with your people and communicate them clearly and consistently. You need to use gamification and personalization techniques to enhance your product experience and increase customer loyalty.

Some examples of product-oriented marketing strategies are:

  • Conducting market research and testing to identify new product opportunities and validate your product ideas

  • Using design thinking and agile methodologies to develop and launch your products faster and better

  • Creating unique selling propositions and elevator pitches to highlight your product benefits and features

  • Using gamification elements such as points, badges, levels, rewards, challenges, and leaderboards to make your product fun and engaging

  • Using personalization tools such as AI, machine learning, big data, and analytics to tailor your product offers and recommendations to each customer


The third P of Marketing 4.0 is price. Price is what you charge for your product or what your people are willing to pay for it.

Price is not just a number or a tag, but also a perception, a signal, a value indicator, or a competitive advantage. Price is what influences your profitability and market share.

To succeed in Marketing 4.0, you need to set and communicate your prices in a transparent and fair way. You need to use dynamic pricing and freemium models to adapt to the changing market conditions and customer expectations. You need to offer discounts and rewards that motivate your people to buy more or buy again.

Some examples of price-oriented marketing strategies are:

  • Conducting price analysis and benchmarking to determine the optimal price for your product based on its value, cost, demand, competition, and positioning

  • Using dynamic pricing tools such as algorithms, AI, or machine learning to adjust your prices in real-time based on supply and demand factors

  • Using freemium models such as free trials, free samples, free features, or free services to attract new customers or upsell existing ones

  • Using discounts such as coupons, vouchers, flash sales, or bundling to stimulate sales volume or clear inventory

  • Using rewards such as loyalty programs, referral programs, cashback offers, or gift cards to increase customer retention or acquisition


The fourth P of Marketing 4.0 is place. Place is where you distribute your product or where your people can access it.

The Five As of Marketing 4.0

The Five As of marketing are a new framework to understand and optimize the customer path in Marketing 4.0. They represent the stages that customers go through from being aware of your brand to becoming advocates for it.

The Five As of marketing are: awareness, appeal, ask, act, and advocate. They are not linear or sequential, but rather dynamic and iterative. Customers can move back and forth between them, depending on their interactions with your brand.

To succeed in Marketing 4.0, you need to design and deliver marketing strategies that address each of the Five As of marketing. You need to create a seamless and consistent customer experience across all touchpoints and channels. You need to measure and optimize your marketing performance based on the customer path.

Here are some tips on how to apply the Five As of marketing to your business.


Awareness is the first A of marketing. It is when customers become aware of your brand and its products or services. It is also when you capture their attention and interest.

Awareness is crucial in Marketing 4.0, because customers are exposed to a lot of information and noise online. You need to stand out and create WOW moments that make them notice you and want to know more about you.

To succeed in awareness, you need to use content marketing and SEO strategies that attract customers to your website or social media pages. You need to create viral campaigns that spread your brand message and reach new audiences. You need to use storytelling techniques that hook customers and make them curious about your brand story.

Some examples of awareness-oriented marketing strategies are:

  • Creating blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics, or ebooks that provide valuable information or entertainment to your target audience

  • Using SEO tools and best practices to optimize your website and content for search engines and keywords

  • Creating viral campaigns that use humor, emotion, surprise, or controversy to generate buzz and word-of-mouth

  • Using storytelling techniques such as narratives, characters, conflicts, or resolutions to engage customers and make them relate to your brand story


Appeal is the second A of marketing. It is when customers develop a positive attitude and opinion towards your brand and its products or services. It is also when you influence their preferences and choices.

Appeal is important in Marketing 4.0, because customers are more skeptical and discerning than ever before. They rely on online reviews, ratings, testimonials, and recommendations from other customers or influencers to make their decisions.

To succeed in appeal, you need to use social proof and testimonials that showcase your brand's credibility and reputation. You need to build trust and rapport with your customers by being transparent, authentic, and responsive. You need to offer value propositions that match your customers' needs and expectations.

Some examples of appeal-oriented marketing strategies are:

  • Collecting and displaying online reviews, ratings, testimonials, or case studies from your satisfied customers or influencers

  • Using trust badges, seals, certificates, or awards that demonstrate your brand's quality, security, or authority

  • Being transparent, authentic, and responsive in your communication with your customers on your website or social media channels

  • Offering value propositions that highlight your product benefits, features, advantages, or guarantees


Ask is the third A of marketing. It is when customers initiate inquiries or interactions with your brand or its products or services. It is also when you provide value-added information or advice to them.

Ask is essential in Marketing 4.0, because customers are more proactive and empowered than ever before. They seek information from multiple sources and channels before making a purchase. They expect personalized and timely responses from brands.

To succeed in ask, you need to use chatbots and conversational marketing tools that enable you to communicate with your customers in real-time on your website or social media channels. You need to provide value-added information or advice that helps them solve their problems or achieve their goals. You need to use lead magnets and lead nurturing techniques that capture and qualify your leads.

Some examples of ask-oriented marketing strategies are:

  • Using chatbots and conversational marketing tools such as Drift, Intercom, or ManyChat to communicate with your customers in real-time on your website or social media channels

  • Providing value-added information or advice such as webinars, whitepapers, guides, or consultations that help your customers solve their problems or achieve their goals

  • Using lead magnets such as ebooks, checklists, quizzes, or templates that offer valuable content in exchange for your customers' contact information

  • Using lead nurturing techniques such as email marketing, remarketing, or retargeting that follow up and engage your leads until they are ready to buy


Act is the fourth A of marketing. It is when customers make a purchase decision and action regarding your brand or its products or services. It is also when you persuade them to buy from you.

Act is critical in Marketing 4.0, because customers are more selective and demanding than ever before. They compare prices and features of different products or services before buying. They expect a smooth and convenient checkout process and delivery.

To succeed in act, you need to use call-to-actions and landing pages that motivate your customers to buy from you. You need to simplify the checkout process and reduce cart abandonment by offering multiple payment options and free shipping. You need to use upselling and cross-selling techniques that increase your average order value and revenue.

Some examples of act-oriented marketing strategies are:

  • Using call-to-actions such as buttons, banners, pop-ups, or forms that urge your customers to buy from you

  • Using landing pages that focus on one specific offer or goal and eliminate any distractions or friction

  • Simplifying the checkout process and reducing cart abandonment by offering multiple payment options, free shipping, or money-back guarantees

  • Using upselling and cross-selling techniques such as product recommendations, bundles, or discounts that encourage your customers to buy more or buy again


Advocate is the fifth A of marketing. It is when customers become loyal and satisfied with your brand or its products or services. It is also when they become advocates and promoters for your brand.

Advocate is vital in Marketing 4.0, because customers are more influential and vocal than ever before. They share their opinions and experiences with your brand on social media, blogs, forums, or review sites. They influence the purchase decisions of other potential customers.

To succeed in advocate, you need to use email marketing and CRM systems that retain your customers' loyalty and satisfaction. You need to turn your customers into advocates and promoters by offering incentives, rewards, or recognition. You need to monitor and manage your online reputation by responding to customer feedback and reviews.

Some examples of advocate-oriented marketing strategies are:

  • Using email marketing and CRM systems such as Mailchimp, HubSpot, or Salesforce to retain your customers' loyalty and satisfaction by sending them relevant content, offers, or updates

  • Turning your customers into advocates and promoters by offering incentives, rewards, or recognition such as referral programs, loyalty programs, affiliate programs, or social media contests

  • Monitoring and managing your online reputation by responding to customer feedback and reviews on social media, blogs, forums, or review sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Yelp, or TripAdvisor


Marketing 4.0 is the new era of marketing that requires you to adapt to the changing consumer behavior and expectations in the digital economy. It is not just about using digital tools and channels, but also about creating human-centric marketing strategies that connect with your customers on an emotional level.

To succeed in Marketing 4.0, you need to apply the Four Ps of marketing (people, product, price, and place) and the Five As of marketing (awareness, appeal, ask, act, and advocate) to your business. You need to create a seamless and consistent customer experience across all touchpoints and channels. You need to measure and optimize your marketing performance based on the customer path.

Here are some tips and recommendations for implementing Marketing 4.0 strategies:

  • Start with understanding your people: who they are, what they want, how they behave, where they hang out online

  • Innovate and differentiate your product: make it valuable, useful, desirable, accessible, and enjoyable for your people


Marketing 4.0 is the new era of marketing that requires you to adapt to the changing consumer behavior and expectations in the digital economy. It is not just about using digital tools and channels, but also about creating human-centric marketing strategies that connect with your customers on an emotional level.

To succeed in Marketing 4.0, you need to apply the Four Ps of marketing (people, product, price, and place) and the Five As of marketing (awareness, appeal, ask, act, and advocate) to your business. You need to create a seamless and consistent customer experience across all touchpoints and channels. You need to measure and optimize your marketing performance based on the customer path.

Here are some tips and recommendations for implementing Marketing 4.0 strategies:

  • Start with understanding your people: who they are, what they want, how they behave, where they hang out online

  • Innovate and differentiate your product: make it valuable, useful, desirable, accessible, and enjoyable for your people

  • Set and communicate your price: make it transparent, fair, flexible, competitive, and rewarding for your people

  • Distribute your product across multiple channels: make it available, convenient, consistent, and integrated for your people

  • Attract customers' attention and interest: use content marketing and SEO strategies that provide value or entertainment to your people

  • Influence customers' preferences and opinions: use social proof and testimonials that showcase your credibility and reputation

  • Encourage customers' inquiries and interactions: use chatbots and conversational marketing tools that communicate with your people in real-time

  • Persuade customers' purchase decisions and actions: use call-to-actions and landing pages that motivate your people to buy from you

  • Retain customers' loyalty and satisfaction: use email marketing and CRM systems that send relevant content, offers, or updates to your people

  • Turn customers into advocates and promoters: use incentives, rewards, or recognition programs that encourage your people to share your brand story with others

Marketing 4.0 is not a fad or a trend, but a reality that you need to embrace and master. It is the future of marketing that will help you grow your business and delight your customers.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Marketing 4.0:

What is Marketing 4.0?

Marketing 4.0 is the new era of marketing that emerged in the digital economy, where customers are more connected, empowered, and diverse than ever before. It is a human-centric approach to marketing that focuses on creating emotional connections with customers across multiple touchpoints and channels.

Who coined the term Marketing 4.0?

The term Marketing 4.0 was coined by Philip Kotler, one of the world's leading marketing authorities, in his book Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital (Sextante, 2017). He wrote the book with Hermawan Kartajaya and Iwan Setiawan, two other marketing experts from Asia.

What are the Four Ps of Marketing 4.0?

The Four Ps of Marketing 4.0 are people, product, price, and place. They represent the elements of the marketing mix that you can control and adjust to suit your target market. They are also influenced by the new realities of the digital economy, where customers are more connected, empowered, and diverse than ever before.

What are the Five As of Marketing 4.0?

The Five As of Marketing 4.0 are awareness, appeal, ask, act, and advocate. They represent the stages that customers go through from being aware of your brand to becoming advocates for it. They are not linear or sequential, but rather dynamic and iterative. Customers can move back and forth between them, depending on their interactions with your brand.

How can I implement Marketing 4.0 strategies in my business?

To implement Marketing 4.0 strategies in your business, you need to apply the Four Ps of marketing (people, product, price, and place) and the Fi


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