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> Is it possible that i could use 5/11 in windows and the mousefix at the same time? Yes, you can use 5/11 and the fix will remove all acceleration. However, you won't get exactly 1-to-1 in-game at 5/11 with the standard MarkC fix file. If you don't have exact 1-to-1 you will have a small amount of discarded or delayed mouse input while game playing.I have a new fix builder that can help you!With it you can build a custom fix that will let you use 5/11 on the desktop, but will give you 1-to-1 for older games that turn acceleration on, the same response as position 6/11 does, without having to move the pointer speed slider to 6/11.You may have to adjust your game sens to compensate.The MarkC Windows 7 + Vista + XP Mouse Acceleration Fix Builder

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> ...turn off mouse acceleration in windowsIf you have Windows 7 and want to turn off Windows control panel acceleration, then this is the right fix.To test it, set the pointer speed slider to the middle 6/11 position, turn 'Enhance pointer precision' ON (ticked) and run MouseMovementRecorder.exe (included in the ZIP) file. If you mostly see no green and no red, then this fix has removed Windows control panel acceleration.(If you use XP or Vista, then use the Cheese Fix or the MarkC Mouse Fix Builder instead.)

I applied the fix. I love it, it's excellent. Quick question: when using the mouse recorder in windows 7 (64), 'Enhance Pointer Precision' OFF, I see red and green lines in the mouse movement. Is this normal?note, when 'Enhance Pointer Precision' is ON, I see no red and green lines--indicating it's working, like you mentioned in the Readme file. Thanks!

I don't have a Logitech mouse myself, but have experimented on a friend's PC that did have one. They had a non-gaming LogiTech, which uses the SetPointP drivers, which don't have profiles, but do have 'Game Mode' and allow a choice between 'Speed and Acceleration' > 'OS implementation' and 'Speed and Acceleration' > 'SetPoint implementation'.The G series mice (AFAIK) have different drivers (SetPointG) with a 'Use OS native drivers for pointer speed and acceleration' option, and I'm not sure if that might work differently from the SetPointP 'OS implementation' option.When 'OS implementation' is set, the SetPoint accel and speed calculations are ignored/disabled and the Windows Control Panel calculations are used instead, as if SetPoint was NOT installed. (Possibly the SetPoint values are COPIED to the control panel settings, but SetPoint does not directly control how the pointer moves.)When 'SetPoint implementation' is set, SetPoint somehow internally forces the Windows control panel EPP to OFF and the pointer speed slider to 6/11 (EVEN IF they are not actually set like that in the control panel). Because EPP is in-effect set/forced OFF, the registry accel curves are ignored.I assume if 'Use OS native drivers for pointer speed and acceleration' is ON, SetPoint will behave the same as 'OS implementation', and SetPoint accel and speed calculations will not affect the mouse/pointer, and the accel will only be ON or OFF rather than 0-4 (because Windows XP+ accel is only ON or OFF).I assume when 'Use OS native drivers for pointer speed and acceleration' is OFF, SetPoint will behave the same as 'SetPoint implementation' and SetPoint somehow forces the control panel EPP OFF and pointer speed to 6/11 and uses its own accel and speed calculations instead, applied before Windows control panel sees the mouse input (MouseMovementRecorder can't see the SetPoint accel at all).> How does this program inhibit the registries curve?By somehow internally forcing EPP OFF (even when it shows as ON in the control panel). With EPP internally OFF, the registry curves are ignored.I didn't have time to investigate how it turns EPP off, but it does.

Hi Mark, got a handfull of questions here.Does your windowsdefault.reg file default all registry to default or just all of the entries because i have installed 6/11 then 4/11 right after ( see below )?(noob question, but scared) I installed the 6/11 reg file and it seemed to work until i decided to change up my sens.. i made a 4/11 reg file and clicked it, was i suppose to click the WindowsDefault.reg one before i installed the 4/11?With 4/11 installed now and with setpoint implementation selected and 4/11 selected under Setpoint, the only way i can get a full black screen on MMR is by having control panel sensitivity to 6/11, which i dont understand... im not using OS, im using Setpoints.If i try to do OS implementation instead and do 4/11, i get reg/green spammed on MMR.Whenever i have EPP off it is all black on MMR and it feels like no accel, but when i click it on.... it turns on EPP... meaning the fix apparently didnt work....I've gone into the only game i play (quakelive) and tried the "put ur hand next to ur mouse" and aim at something in game, and go to the right fast and back left slow.. and it comes back dead on, meaning no accel i guess..WHAT IS GOING ON !?!?!?!?!?! My brain really hurts after messin with this, on top of all of that while im in game i get spammed with red/green in MMR and yes i understand it 'could' just be a confusion between programs on that part. but seriously i dont even know whats going on anymore.So, should i click windowsdefault.reg twice because i installed 6/11 and 4/11 ? or just once? and just try redoing this all over or do i not even have to mess with this *headache*

Hey Mark,yeah, im not playing with the administrator, but i didnt get this message : "Cannot import (filename).reg: Not all data was successfully written to the registry." so i thought that all is working, also when its running with a non-administrator account ;)I tried to fix it, but i dont know what that means : Disable_WelcomeScreen+Login_Accel.CMD as Administrator (Right-click > Run as administrator)..." etcWhere i have to write it?

I am using mouse movement recorder and i sometimes get red and green lines. Its not all the time, just sometimes. more so when i move my mouse really fast. I have my windows sensitivity on 6, i rebooted my machine, and i chose the right dpi reg file (100%). i dont no wat im doing wrong. can someone help?

> Would it be possible to modify your mouse movement recorder to record joystick movement instead?Maybe. But first you need to know 100% that the Windows accel curve is actually affecting your joystick response, and affecting it IN-GAME.If the curve is not affecting joystick response, then modifying MMR would be pointless.To test, apply curve "Test_Flatline.reg" from my fix ZIP file, logout or reboot, Go into the control panel, set "Enhance pointer precision" to ON, run your game and see what the joystick reponse is.If the curve is affecting the game, your mouse and joystick response will VERY VERY slow and speed limited. Large movements, small movements, it won't matter: the in-game view-point will move very slowly.(Apply "WindowsDefault.reg" and reboot to get back to normal, and/or turn EPP OFF.)If joystick response is normal, then no there is point in creating a custom curve.

In the vast majority of cases, the solution is to properly reinstall dinput8.dll on your PC, to the Windows system folder. Alternatively, some programs, notably PC games, require that the DLL file is placed in the game/application installation folder.

Important: When you run this command, DISM uses Windows Update to provide the files that are required to fix corruptions. However, if your Windows Update client is already broken, use a running Windows installation as the repair source, or use a Windows side-by-side folder from a network share or from a removable media, such as the Windows DVD, as the source of the files. To do this, run the following command instead:

The sfc /scannow command will scan all protected system files, and replace corrupted files with a cached copy that is located in a compressed folder at %WinDir%\System32\dllcache.The %WinDir% placeholder represents the Windows operating system folder. For example, C:\Windows.Note Do not close this Command Prompt window until the verification is 100% complete. The scan results will be shown after this process is finished.

To repair the corrupted files manually, view details of the System File Checker process to find the corrupted file, and then manually replace the corrupted file with a known good copy of the file.

To view the details that included in the CBS.Log file, you can copy the information to the Sfcdetails.txt file by using the Findstr command, and then view the details in the Sfcdetails.txt. To do this, follow these steps:

Note The Sfcdetails.txt file contains details from every time that the System File Checker tool has been run on the computer. The file includes information about files that were not repaired by the System File Checker tool. Verify the date and time entries to determine the problem files that were found the last time that you ran the System File Checker tool.

After you determine which system file was corrupted and could not be repaired through the detail information in the Sfcdetails.txt file, find where the corrupted file located, and then manually replace the corrupted file with a known good copy of the file. To do this, follow these steps:Note You may be able to get a known good copy of the system file from another computer that is running the same version of Windows with your computer. You may perform a System File Checker process on that computer to make sure the system file that you intend to copy is a good copy.

Copy Source_File DestinationNote The Source_File placeholder represents the path and file name of the known good copy of the file on your computer, and the Destination placeholder represents the path and file name of the corrupted file. For example, type copy E:\temp\jscript.dll C:\windows\system32\jscript.dll. 041b061a72


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